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How to pick a good hosting? 1

How to pick a good hosting?

Reliability, flexibility, quality and price are the 4 most important elements you need to look after when you evaluate a hosting plan. Below, I will explain in detail how to evaluate these.


If you’re looking forward to build a business website, then it’s very important for you to know how reliable is the hosting plan you’re going to use.

  • Uptime close to 100% – High uptime makes sure your visitors can always reach you by your website, thus not losing any opportunity to make sales.
  • Great support – you need to know does the hosting plan come with technical support. If yes, then how and when you can reach them? Nowadays, most of the hosting companies provide technical support to their customers but not all of them provide quality support. So, always keep your eyes sharp and read reviews for the company before you decide to choose the hosting plan.


When your online business grows bigger, you might need a better hosting plan to support your website. Always ask these questions while choosing a hosting plan:

  • Can the hosting plan be upgraded easily to a better plan in the future?
  • How much is the cost for upgrading the plan to a better one?
  • And, in case if you want to transfer the hosting service to another company, how easy is that?


How to pick a good hosting? 2


You need to know the standard of a good hosting plan nowadays. I can’t cover everything here, but I can suggest you always pick a hosting plan with cPanel and Fantastico, MySQL– version 5 and above, and of course PHP 5.

  • cPanel – cPanel serves as a control panel used to manage your hosted account. It’s very similar in the way the Windows control panel works. Also, cPanel allows you to manage your website with little fuss while providing as much control as possible.
  • Fantastico – This is important, especially for newbies who first create their website. Fantastico enables you to do one-click-install for WordPress blog, forum, Joomla content management system and many other popular programs without any technical knowledge at all! Wonderful, isn’t it?


This is depending on the quality of the service. A good hosting plan is very cheap nowadays. To save you all the troubles and headaches, I suggest you to pick hosting service from the top ten hosting company, for instance Hostgator and Bluehost. I have used them before and I never have any problems with their services. Usually the price to set up a website with unlimited add-on domains is about $6-8 per month. Of course this varies for different companies as they offer different plans.

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